Our School
An introduction from our Headteacher, Solomon Berhane:
We are St Catherine’s College. We are a Church of England Academy that has children at the heart of everything we do. Our smart, well-behaved students are happy and proud of their school.
We are different, and what sets us apart is that we are the only Church of England secondary school/academy in East Sussex. Parents and Carers choose St Catherine’s College for their children because we insist upon high standards and firm boundaries, all underpinned by our Christian values.
We are preparing our students to stand shoulder to shoulder with their peers: locally, nationally and globally. To achieve their God-given potential, learners in our care are inspired to be ambitious, hard-working, resilient and responsible. As children grow older, it is our responsibility as a college to teach them to become independent learners and to become responsible citizens in an ever-changing world. Young people have a range of needs and it is essential that we contribute to all aspects of their development. We need to give them the skills they will require to adapt and be able to rise to the challenges that life will bring. Life skills, such as communication, collaborative working and self-motivation, are central in enabling young people to leave education and function as confident, aspirational and resilient individuals.
We are St Catherine’s College. We passionately believe that it is important that young people, no matter what their background, should feel empowered to become active participants in shaping the community and society in which they live. As well as academic excellence, here at St Catherine’s College we also focus on the values, attitudes and behaviours which enable individuals to learn to live together, in a supportive, accepting and compassionate manner.
We look forward to welcoming you to St Catherine’s College so that we can work together to enable your child to excel and flourish in secondary school and beyond.
Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full”
- (John 10, v10b)
"A pupil spoke for many when they said, 'I like everything about this school.' "
- Ofsted Inspection, November 2019