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Our Governors

As a local Governing Body under the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust, our aim is to support the Headteacher and his staff in ensuring that each and every pupil is well supported in order to reach his/her full potential, academically, socially and spiritually.  Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Chichester and are drawn from the community, parents and staff.  The Governing Body meets six times a year and is responsible for strategic decision making within the school.

To find out more about each Governor, please go to the About Our Governors page. 

To contact the Governors, please email the Clerk to Governors, Paula Palmer on

List of Academy Members and Directors

First Name Last Name Term of Office Start Term of Office End Governor Type Governor Lead
Solomon Berhane 01/09/18 - Ex Offico -
Graham Brownett 01/08/22 31/07/26 Business and Community Local Governor  Co Chair of Governors
Ian Coombes 15/07/23 14/07/27 Parent Governor Joint Attendance Lead
Catherine Finn 15/07/23 14/07/27 Foundation Governor  
Elizabeth Foster 25/05/24 24/05/28 Foundation Governor SEN Lead Governor
Richard Holste MBE 01/08/22 31/07/26 Business and Community Local Governor Safeguarding Governor
David Linsell 23/02/24 22/02/28 Foundation Governor Vice Chair of Governors and Joint Safeguarding Governor
Colin  Newall 6/12/22 5/12/26 Business and Community Local Governor


Emma Pavey 02/03/24 01/03/28 Staff Governor  
Alan Powell 18/10/22 17/10/24 Associate Governor  
Christos Stylianou 12/03/24 11/03/28 Parent Governor  
Sandy Wootton 13/05/21 12/05/25 Foundation Governor Co Chair of Governors and Joint Attendance Lead

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Hearing what you think about St Catherine's College, our approach to education, as well as our website helps us to drive continuous improvement. We are always keen to hear from you so please get in touch and tell us what you think.