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In the MFL Department, we aim to foster our pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world around them. Immersing our pupils within the target language in the classroom and offering a range of extra-curricular activities, ensures that our young language learners are prepared for their next steps in life, and assists them on the path to achieve their God-given potential. In the classroom, pupils are encouraged to solve problems whilst communicating with others, expressing their ideas and thoughts, thus deepening their understanding of their own identity and culture as well as that of other countries.

In French, our intent is to develop passionate linguists who are confident, resilient and independent learners with a strong awareness of the world around them, whatever their starting point. Learning about French-speaking countries; gaining an insight into other cultures; and undertaking a wide variety of activities inside and outside the classroom, we aim to inspire a love of learning languages within our pupils to enable them to compete in a global world.

Please find full details of the curriculum for all year groups below. If you have any queries, please get in touch with Mrs K Ruff, Head of Modern Foreign Languages.


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