To ensure that every student at St Catherine’s College achieves and maintains excellent attendance, we are committed to supporting each individual to reach their God-given potential and stand confidently shoulder-to-shoulder with their peers.
To inspire and support the learners in our care, it is essential that all stakeholders - parents, carers, students, and staff -understand their roles and responsibilities regarding full participation in education.
There is strong evidence of a correlation between school attendance and academic achievement. When students are absent or late, valuable learning time is lost. Conversely, students with regular attendance are significantly more likely to succeed academically, as demonstrated below:
Attendance Matters
The value of being present - St Catherine's College GCSE impact
Regular and punctual attendance is essential. Students should attend school on time and every day when St Catherine’s College is open. We aim for every student to strive for 100% attendance.
Reporting Student Absence
We understand that there may be times when absence is unavoidable. To report an absence, parents/carers must contact the Attendance Team, each day via Arbor and provide an explanation. Alternatively, please email or call 01323 465439. If no notification of absence is received, we will send an SMS message or call home. We kindly ask that you respond to these messages promptly.
The Attendance Team comprises of Mrs K Curling (Attendance Officer), Mrs S Adlam (Attendance and Safeguarding Assistant) and Mrs E Holder (Attendance and Welfare Officer).
Absence from School during Term Time
St Catherine’s College defines absence as either:
- Late arrival after 09:10 – This will result in a half-day absence being recorded.
- Non-attendance – Absence for any reason.
By enrolling your child at St Catherine’s College, parents/carers accept their statutory responsibility to ensure regular attendance and punctuality.
We understand that students may occasionally be unwell. The following guidance from the local health authority can assist parents/carers decide if their child should attend school:
- RED: Stay at home – Symptoms include a high temperature, rashes, vomiting, or diarrhoea.
- AMBER: Seek advice – A minor headache usually does not require absence unless accompanied by other symptoms. Consult a doctor if necessary.
- GREEN: Attend school – Mild cold, sore throat, or other minor symptoms without severe discomfort.
For further guidance, please refer to the "Should I keep my child off school?" Government checklist.
Holidays During Term Time
In line with Government and Local Authority guidelines, St Catherine’s College does not grant permission for holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised absences may result in a fine or legal action.
The definition of exceptional circumstances will be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering the potential impact on the student's education. Requests for term-time absences must be made by completing the Withdrawal from Learning Form, which should be submitted at least 14 days before the proposed absence.
If a request is not approved but the absence occurs regardless, it will be recorded as unauthorised. A Penalty Notice may be issued, with each parent being fined for each child taken out of school.