Start a Heart Day 16th October

On Monday 16 October 2017, thousands of young people around the UK will be given the opportunity to learn how to help restart the heart of someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest with the support of The British Heart Foundation, St John's Ambulance, and The British Red Cross along with all regional ambulance services and fire and rescue services from across the country. The aim is to train more than 150,000 young people how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on that day. Currently in the UK, less than one in ten people (8.6%) survive a cardiac arrest. We want to work with you to change this; if we achieved the same survival rates (25%) as found in parts of Norway where CPR is taught in schools, an additional 100 lives could be saved each week – the equivalent of approximately 5,000 every year.
Led by Mrs Ford, many of our pupils have signed up to join in with this important campain on 16th October. They will all learn how to give CPR; a very vital skill that will save lives.