Virtual Open Event for the September 2021 Intake
We are excited to share three videos for this special occasion.
Dear Parent/Carer and Prospective Student
A very warm welcome to you, from St Catherine’s College.
We would like to thank you for considering St Catherine’s College for your child. We would love to have been able to welcome you into our school for our annual Open Evening, but sadly, with how things are currently, we are not able to do this. We understand how daunting and difficult choosing a secondary school for your child can be, so we have endeavoured to give you as much information as possible.
Please click here to view our school prospectus. We hope you find the information within it helpful and informative.
We are so excited to share just a snippet of what life at St Catherine’s College is like and have prepared three videos for this special occasion:
St Catherine's College in Action
Speeches from current Year 7 students and Year 11 leavers
Welcome to St Catherine’s College – An introduction from Mr Solomon Berhane, Headteacher
Speeches from current Year 7 students and Year 11 leavers (British Sign Language)
Welcome to St Catherine’s College – An introduction from Mr Solomon Berhane, Headteacher (British Sign Language)
In addition, we will be hosting some virtual question and answer (Q&A) sessions to allow you to speak directly with Mr Berhane and our Deputy Headteachers, Mr Jewell and Mrs Thomas. The sessions have been scheduled for a variety of days and times to enable as many people to join them as possible. If these sessions become full, we will open up further dates to ensure that everyone gets the chance to speak with us and have their queries heard and answered.
To register for your preferred Q&A session please click here and complete the form, we will then contact you to provide you with the session login details.
We hope that the prospectus and our accompanying videos provide you with an insight into how special our school community really is. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on .
Kind regards and very best wishes,
Solomon Berhane
Nigel Jewell
Deputy Headteacher
Sophie Thomas
Deputy Headteacher