Exam success for St Catherine's College

A record number of students achieved the highest grades this year.
St Catherine’s College students are celebrating an amazing set of GCSE results. The students embodied the college’s values of ambition, hard-work and resilience throughout their studies. In addition, they cheerfully stayed for extra daily lessons after school throughout their final year. The staff at St Catherine’s College are incredibly proud of their outstanding achievements.
76% of students achieved grade 4+ in English and maths; 56% at the 5+ strong pass; and a record number achieving the highest grades. Particular congratulations to Aaron Adams, Naomi Barrett, Ailsa Cameron, Joshua Capper, Tara Maunga, Sophia Pawley, Catherine Ruffell and Hanna Siddique who all achieved 11 of the prestigious grade 8s & 9s.
We are blessed to have worked with such a lovely group of students and we pray for their success in the future.